Celebrate Yeshua!
What I love most about the Shabbat is that God commands us to rest! He doesn't suggest it. He doesn't say, " Okay, since you're not going to the office today, go ahead, wash that car, catch up on that laundry, wash those windows and vacuum that carpet. Then sit down and rest awhile.....then, how about that lawn? " No, God actually requires something of us. He requires that we obey His 4th commandment, "Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy." He requires we rest and "come away with Him." Why? He requires we rest for our own good. We need to rest! " Didn't God say, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath"( Mathew 12)? I LOVE this! I love meditating (like a cow chewing its cud) on His Word. Just to spend time with Him is a blessing. And I don't have to feel guilty because I am not "accomplishing a task."; that I am not "getting things done." As much as I enjoy "getting things done," it's a treat to nestle in His loving arms and read His love letters to me. And He wrote them to me....... and you! I pray you get into God's Word today, relax and simply enjoy His company. After all, Yeshua IS our rest, our Shabbat Shalom! Isn't this marvelous!What goes better with the sweetness of Yeshua than homemade "Cocoanut Macaroons" - one of Bruce's favorite cookies. Enjoy this recipe from "Tempting Kosher Dishes" by B. Manischewitz & Company (c) 1930. I bought this retro cookbook online at least a decade ago and enjoy making dishes from original recipes and ingredients.
Cocoanut Macaroons
You'll Need:
5 eggs
1-1/2 cup sugar
1 cup Manischewitz Matzo Meal
2 cups (8 ounces) shredded coconut ( I use Baker's)
2 lemons, juice and grated rinds
Preheat oven to 325 degrees
Beat eggs well, adding sugar gradually; add and combine remaining ingredients. Drop by tablespoons on cookie sheet, greased and sprinkled with meal. Bake in moderate oven (325 degrees) 30 minutes increasing heat at the last to brown cookies. Makes 24 mouthwatering delights.
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